Encrypted Email From PAF
The staff at Patient Advocate Foundation cares about your safety and security, including your data security. These days, identity theft is not uncommon and can be devastating. Due to this, PAF has put measures in place to help protect you from online threats or stolen information.
These measures include an email encryption system which detects personal and/or sensitive information in outgoing emails and allows the email to be encrypted. This encryption adds layers of security to the email, and makes it more difficult for your information to be intercepted or stolen.
We have implemented a system through Microsoft that allows us to easily protect the sensitive health information that may be discussed via email. When you receive an encrypted email from a staff member at PAF, it will contain an attachment titled message.html. You must download and then open the message.html file. Recipients who use major providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail have the option to re-enter their email password to view the message. Other mail systems may require that a one-time passcode be used. If the one-time passcode option is selected, the passcode is sent via email. You will be able to reply to the encrypted message securely as well. Documents may be sent securely through this system as well.
We appreciate your cooperation in our commitment to keeping your sensitive data as secure as possible.