Paying Attention to Medical Documents Can Save You Money

If you’ve been making frequent trips to your doctor’s office or the hospital, chances are you’ve seen a recent onslaught of medical invoices and Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) begin to flood your mailbox. Although it may seem overwhelming, it’s important that you open, read, understand and store your medical bills in an easy-to-access place. If you start off organized, it’s easier to reference medical papers should there be any discrepancies.

One way to get on track and stay organized is by dedicating a notebook and folder to your health-related papers. In your notebook, keep track of doctor’s visits, medications, referrals and any questions you may have. Don’t forget to tag a date to your appointments and other medical information in your notebook for easy reference. Keep all of your paperwork. This not only includes your EOBs and invoices but any test results or other medical-related items.

As your invoices come in, compare them with your EOBs and any additional paperwork you received from your medical provider and insurance company. Look at things like the date and procedures and double-check that everything matches and makes sense. Pay close attention to deadlines, timelines and due dates to ensure there are no errors. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your medical or insurance provider if you have any questions about the billing. Errors happen all the time and it’s better to take a few seconds to verify accuracy than pay more unnecessarily.

Sometimes medical bills can be overwhelming. Ask a friend or family member for help when comparing and reviewing your bills. A second set of eyes is always advisable when reviewing bills.

When all else fails, start at the beginning. Read and become familiar with your plan language to ensure you are getting all that you are entitled to and any limitations you may face.

Staying on top of your medical bills and double checking each line item may take more time but it’s an important strategy to adopt because it will help you become more familiar with the process and able to identify any potential billing errors.

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